At Cyberbay, we employ a structured approach using a skilled pool of crowdsourced bounty hunters to identify vulnerabilities in your system. Here’s an overview of our process and how we ensure minimal impact on your system:
Crowdsourced Bounty Hunters Pool
We have a diverse group of talented bounty hunters specializing in finding bugs and vulnerabilities across various systems. Each hunter on our platform undergoes stringent checks including bank verification and KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures, requiring submission of passport and identification documents. This ensures that all hunters are credible and trustworthy.
Cyberbay Lighthouse VPN
Our bounty hunters connect to your assets through the Cyberbay Lighthouse VPN. This VPN connection is crucial as it allows us to monitor their activities and verify their identities during bug hunting. All actions are logged transparently, providing a secure environment for both bounty hunters and your systems.
Defining the Scope and Timeline
You have the flexibility to define the scope and duration of the bug hunting campaign. This means you can specify which assets are to be tested and for how long. Such customization ensures that only designated areas are examined, minimizing any unintended disruptions.
Continuous Monitoring and Logging
Throughout the campaign, we maintain detailed logs of all activities performed by bounty hunters. This continuous monitoring allows us to track their actions closely. If any suspicious activities are detected, we can promptly terminate access to prevent potential harm.
Intrusiveness and System Impact
Non-Intrusive Actions
Our bounty hunters use non-intrusive methods designed to identify vulnerabilities without disrupting your system’s normal operations. They employ well-documented and controlled penetration testing techniques.
System Impact
While some impact is inherent to testing activities, our approach is structured to minimize this impact. By defining clear scopes and maintaining constant monitoring, we ensure that any potential disruptions to your system are kept to a minimum. We mitigate risks by swiftly terminating any suspicious activities detected.